A prestigious Hollywood movie crew is gearing up to film “Jurassic World 4” in Thailand, as announced by Jaturon Phakdeewanit, the Director General of the Department of Tourism.
The shooting location will take place in the provinces of Krabi and Trang, and is slated to last from June 13 to July 16, 2024.
Additionally, the Thailand Film Office has disclosed that the “Jurassic World 4” team is exploring potential filming sites in Bangkok, Phang Nga, Phuket, and Chiang Mai.
The project is anticipated to bring in 650 million baht in revenue for Thailand, benefiting various local sectors through expenses such as payments to Thai crew, equipment rental, accommodations, venue rentals, transport, Covid-19 safety measures, and food services.
The film team has applied for the Incentive scheme, which encourages international film productions in Thailand by providing a 20% rebate for investments exceeding 100 million baht.
For the “Jurassic World 4” shoot, the production has selected the stunning Huai To Waterfall in Khao Phanom Bencha National Park, Krabi, with filming expected to last at least one week.
Park authorities are prepping their staff to support and streamline the filming activities.
The “Jurassic World” movie series, a revitalization of the iconic “Jurassic Park” franchise, has achieved tremendous success since its debut.
The trilogy began with “Jurassic World” in 2015, which became a colossal box office hit, grossing approximately $1.67 billion worldwide and becoming the second highest-grossing film of that year.
Its sequel, “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018), continued the trend with a global gross of around $1.3 billion, despite receiving mixed reviews for its plot and character development.
The final installment, “Jurassic World: Dominion” (2022), aimed to conclude the saga by integrating elements from both the original and new series, crossed the $1 billion mark at the box office.
“Jurassic World 4” is currently scheduled to hit theaters on July 2, 2025, as Deadline reports.