Discover the magic world of animation at “Immersive Disney Animation,” set to dazzle Bangkok for nearly two months at Em Tower, on the 1st floor of the EMSPHERE shopping mall from April 26 to June 20.
Celebrating a century of Disney animation excellence, this exhibition offers a splendid opportunity to explore the enchanting worlds of beloved Disney characters and step into scenes from over 60 Disney animations.
The exhibition, lasting 90 minutes, is designed to open up a new realm of magical experiences for Disney fans of all ages, providing insights into the art, technology, and creativity that power Disney’s legendary animated films.
The event highlights animated classics like “Frozen,” “Encanto,” “Zootopia,” and “Big Hero 6,” and honors the rich heritage of Walt Disney Animation Studios, creators of timeless masterpieces such as “The Little Mermaid,” “Peter Pan,” and “The Lion King.”
The pre-exhibition space showcases rare items from the Walt Disney Animation Research Library.
These include animators’ character sketches, an interactive drawing table for learning to sketch Disney characters, an animator’s desk with time-lapse videos of character development, and introductions to some amazing animators behind this enduring legacy.
Dive into the magic of Disney storytelling in a stunning 360-degree gallery environment or walk through memorable scenes and meet the timeless characters that have charmed audiences across the globe.
The interactive floor adds another layer of excitement with a responsive floor projection that reacts to wristbands that light up and change as visitors move through the exhibition.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the process behind Disney’s animated films, engaging in a hands-on and educational exploration of animation.
After its debut in Singapore, Bangkok marks the second Southeast Asian stop for this immersive journey, which has captured the hearts of millions globally since its premiere in Toronto in late 2022.
The exhibition will host eight sessions daily starting at 10am. Ticket prices for the Premiere Period from April 26 to May 5 vary between THB 1,499 and THB 2,099, while tickets for the General Period starting May 6 range from THB 699 to 1,599.